10 Reasons Why Should Not To Travel Out Of Nigeria

10 Reasons Why Should Not To Travel Out Of Nigeria

10 Reasons Why Should Not To Travel Out Of Nigeria

10 Reasons Why Should Not To Travel Out Of Nigeria

There is so much hysteria when it comes to traveling out. Most people don’t even waste time thinking about it, some people have never even thought about it. When the opportunity presents itself they are quick to jump at it.

Not that I’m against traveling abroad but I want to see reasons to stay here, I’d love to travel out and just have fun. A permanent stay would depend on a lot.

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  • High Cost:

One of the main reasons people may not want to travel out of Nigeria is the high cost associated with it. From the cost of flights to visa fees, accommodation, and other expenses, traveling out of Nigeria can be quite expensive and may not be affordable for everyone.

  • Visa Restrictions:

Many countries have strict visa requirements, which can make it difficult for Nigerians to travel abroad. Some countries may also require additional documentation or have lengthy processing times, making it challenging to plan and prepare for a trip.

  • Safety Concerns:

Safety concerns may also prevent Nigerians from traveling outside the country. Traveling to certain countries can be risky due to factors such as crime, terrorism, or natural disasters, which can pose a significant threat to travelers.

It is relatively peaceful here. At least we know our problems already. Why jump into another man’s problem in his house? It might sound like a lame excuse or reason but there is no natural disaster in Africa, ok, flooding and erosion, but really? Where the problem is known solution is imminent.

  • Health Risks:

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the risks associated with traveling, and many countries may have strict entry requirements to prevent the spread of the virus. There may also be other health risks associated with travel, such as exposure to new diseases, that can be a concern for some people.

  • Language Barrier:

Language can also be a barrier for Nigerians traveling abroad. English is widely spoken in many countries, but not all, and communication can be challenging if a person doesn’t speak the local language.

  • Cultural Differences:

Cultural differences can also make traveling outside of Nigeria a challenge. Some countries have customs and traditions that may be unfamiliar or confusing, which can be uncomfortable or even offensive for some travelers.

  • Homesickness:

Traveling abroad can be exciting, but it can also be challenging to be away from home for an extended period. Some people may experience homesickness or feelings of isolation, which can impact their enjoyment of the trip.

  • Environmental Impact:

Traveling outside of Nigeria can also have a significant environmental impact. Flying, for example, is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and can contribute to climate change.

  • Travel Restrictions:

During times of political unrest or war, countries may restrict travel or close their borders to outsiders, which can make it challenging or impossible to travel.

  • Lack of Resources:

Finally, some people may not have the resources to travel outside of Nigeria. This can include financial resources, but also access to information or support, such as travel agents or language interpreters, which can make planning and executing a trip more difficult.







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